Monday, April 26, 2010

Top 5 Lies Women Tell

Top 5 Lies Women Tell

"I'm not mad at you."

Oh, yes she is. Don't think you're getting off that easily. This lie is one of the most frequently used in relationships. Typically, women who have been hurt by men in their lives -- often inadvertently -- use this phrase as an emotional defense. For example, if a guy forgets his girlfriend's birthday, calls her by his ex's name or commits any of the other minor screwups that most men do on a daily basis, women usually can't just let it go. They dwell on it, letting worries whittle away normal feelings of well-being like a dog gnaws on a bone.

"I don't mind if you go to strip clubs with the boys."

Wow, you have the coolest girlfriend ever! Not quite. If this one sounds too good to be true, that's because it is. Word to the wise: Virtually all women mind when their men go out to ogle other women at strip clubs without them. It's only a question of how much they mind.

"I'm just not ready for a boyfriend right now."

Once again, this statement is almost always false, although at least it's told with the best intentions, in order to soften rejection. It might be followed by an additional excuse such as: "I just came out of a bad relationship, and I don't want to be hurt again," or "I'm just too busy with my career right now to have a boyfriend." The truth is, if the woman is single and at all interested in you, she will certainly make the time to date you. It's that simple.

"I don't mind picking up the tab tonight; you always pay anyway."

Not true. Although this lie doesn't apply to all women, most still do expect men to pay for things, especially if the man asked them out in the first place. They will secretly think that the guy is cheap if he wriggles out of the bill on a regular basis. Men should always at least offer to pay for dinner if they have asked the woman out. If she protests vigorously , then go Dutch; if she just protests casually, she's only doing it out of politeness -- so pay for it.

"That was f*cking great!"

This lie falls under the broad category of sex lies. When women are committed to a man, they focus on him, often believing, time and time again, that he is "the one." Because girls have this tendency, they also tell guys whatever they think they want to hear (like they just had an orgasm), just to make them feel good about themselves.

Now that you know the five lies all women tell, be on the lookout for them, and react accordingly. Once she learns that you can't be tricked, she'll be more straightforward with you in the future.